First, please let me say, WELCOME to this site. I am not different than anyone else in my “boyfriend dumped me and now I am starting over” situation except that this is my story and like everyone in this world, I am unique and so is this story.

My boyfriend and I moved into a new apartment after already living together for a couple of years. He was forced to transfer to another location for work and we decided it made sense to move closer to his job so he could bike to work rather than have me ferry him back and forth the 30 miles (his car wasn’t working). Of course, that left me commuting those 30 miles but that is another story. Regardless, we moved. And less than a month later, he dumped me.

His reasoning was simple. He wanted to have sex with someone and that somebody was not me. Kudos, I suppose, for breaking up with me prior to cheating but nothing is simple in life and this situation is far from simple. See, we signed a year lease and were barely a month into it. His idea was that we would live together in our small one bedroom apartment for the duration of the lease and go about our lives separately. Easier said than done.

We still hang out. Still go to the bar. Out to eat. Go to concerts. Basically, nothing changed except he is guilt free to have sex and still come home to me. And then sleep in my bed. MY bed. And…I gotta say, it is absolute torture. Hence, the title of this blog!!

Now, I cannot say I am innocent. I definitely made mistakes in my life and I am certain karma is paying me back for some of it because I actually deserve some retribution. Uhhhh, more on that another time! And, for the most part, I have been patiently waiting for this weird year to end. I take the fighting, the secrets and being blamed for absolutely everything wrong in our lives without much complaint. Why? I decided taking the high ground was the smart approach to this. Does it make me look weak? Perhaps. Multiple years of emotional abuse does that to a person. But here is the thing…I learned. I grew.

So, here it is …nearly a year of awkward nights coming to an end. I am finally able to start over and mentally move on. I decided this blog will be a public diary and therefore my accountability to starting over and moving on. My rebuilding my self esteem and proving to myself that I survived. This is my journey. Enjoy the ride.

With love,






3 thoughts on “Hi. My name is Erin and this is my blog… Reclaiming My Bed

  1. I love it. You’re writing is efficient and consistent. It is professional in many aspects – not that that matters. But I really. Keep writing. And, reclaiming your bed? That is genius, I couldn’t have thought of anything as genius myself.


  2. I love it. You’re writing is efficient and consistent. It is professional in many aspects – not that that matters. But I really. Keep writing. And, reclaiming your bed? That is genius, I couldn’t have thought of anything as clever myself. You’re amazing. Keep it up!

    Liked by 1 person

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